Seismic Risk Evaluations (Probable Maximum Loss)

EDI is well known for its expertise in evaluating earthquake risks to facilities. Information generated from a risk assessment is used to assist clients in developing long-term risk reduction strategies. These strategies involve the upgrade and rehabilitation of existing buildings and equipment, development of improved operating procedures, transferring the risk through insurance, and / or improved emergency response and business recovery plans.

Our three-phased approach (risk audit, quantification and implementation) helps to reduce and manage the risk to facilities in a practical and cost-effective manner, while addressing customer needs.

The approach is logical and practical and considers important aspects, including damage to structures, equipment and inventory, business interruption costs, and personnel safety.

PHASE I - The Seismic Risk Survey

EDI engineers survey, evaluate, and inventory critical structures and/or equipment systems. The scope of work entails review of available structural drawings, soil reports, seismological data, and performing site visits. Structural/seismic deficiencies are discussed and general recommendations provided to mitigate the seismic risk. This Phase I seismic risk audit also provides information regarding projected facility damage and downtime and business interruption costs following a major earthquake.

PHASE II - Seismic Risk Identification and Evaluation

Detailed specific seismic risks associated with selected facilities and equipment systems are identified. The scope of work consists of systematic and detailed analyses of the capabilities of structures and equipment, and includes development of preliminary strengthening concepts, and cost/benefit assessments for retrofit design and construction.

At this stage EDI may propose several different retrofit schemes, based upon different levels of required facility performance. These may vary from life-safety for cost-conscious clients, to minimizing business interruption for high-value production or essential service facilities. We may also recommend non-structural solutions such as enhanced emergency preparedness and response planning, occupancy changes, transferring the risk through insurance, or other strategies.

PHASE III - Selection and Implementation of the Risk Reduction Program

The preferred strategy for risk reduction is finalized. This may entail finishing conceptual strengthening designs and project criteria initiated during Phase II, and developing complete construction documents (drawings and specifications) to implement seismic retrofit measures. Typically this phase includes close coordination of work with other disciplines (such as architectural, mechanical, and electrical) required to implement the recommended facility upgrade measures. In other instances, this phase may involve preparation or enhancement of a disaster preparedness and recovery plan and training a client’s staff in implementing the plan; or it may involve other aspects of facility planning such as development of risk-averse design criteria for new construction.


